Informed Consent (Terms & Conditions)
Participation in this study is voluntary and comes with no reward or compensation for participation and no negative consequences for not participating. You will be asked to provide some basic demographic information including your name, age, name of your power soccer team, length of time playing power soccer, and disability type. The nature of this study involves participants sharing personal images and personal narratives related to these images; therefore, your identity will be disclosed to the public through this study. By participating, you are agreeing to have your identity disclosed and your images shared in any presentations or publications associated with the study. You give permission to share with the public the photos and the personal information that you provide in this study. You must either be at least 18 years old or else have parental consent to participate. Those under the age of 18 should have their parents read this page and follow the instructions on the next page in order to participate. The potential benefits of participation include being given a platform to express yourself and what power soccer means to you, to contribute to academic research related to power soccer, and to help promote the sport to a broader audience. The potential risks of participation are that some personally identifying information, such as your name (only first names will be used), age, team name and your photos, will be shared with the public through academic presentations and publications associated with this study.
When you submit your form at the end of the survey, it will be e-mailed directly to the lead researcher and stored in a password-protected folder on a password-protected computer. Printed copies of any forms will be stored in a locked filing cabinet. All submissions in languages other than English will be translated into English by qualified collaborators approved by the lead researcher and analyzed under the direct supervision of the lead researcher. Any academic paper, journal article or book produced from this study will be published in English. Free electronic copies of any paper or article and a wholesale discount price on any book will be made available to all participants.
If you have any questions about the nature of this study or your participation in it, you may contact Dr. Michael Jeffress at By clicking "Next" you affirm that you have read the terms and conditions, as outlined above, and that you agree to participate in this study. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, then you can simply exit the survey. If you agree, please select "Next" to begin the survey.