DoorDash Integration Process
Once Licensing is completed by the integrations team.
Web menu push to the location (Doordash checkbox ticked)
In Polygon Central go to Integrations > Doordash > Connect to Doordash
Enter you Doordash Merchant Portal details
Tick the store you wish to integrate and select the corresponding Redcat location from the drop-down list and click submit
Please make note of the “Update Status” - once it changes to "Menu_Qualified" you can then preview the menu (Little Notepad on the right) and activate the store.
Note: Do Not Push any Menu updates during this process until you have completed the activation.
More information can be found here:
DoorDash SSIO Integrations
If you run into any issues or the “Update Status” for the location you are trying to integrate is changed to “Menu_Blocked” please contact the Integrations team for assist.