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Information, Feedback and Opt Out Forms are linked below.
Orange Basin South Africa MC3D MSS Survey
Oranje Kom Multi-Kliënt 3D Mariene Seismiese Opname
Reconnaissance Permit and EA Authorisations /Magtigings
Searcher GeoData UK Limited (Searcher), a subsidiary of Australian incorporated Searcher Seismic Pty Ltd., confirms the multiclient three-dimensional (3D) Seismic Survey off the West Coast of South Africa was completed at completed at: 28/04/2024 18:11 UTC.
Notice to Mariners and Commencement Notification - CLICK HERE
Kennisgewing aan seevaarders en Kennisgewing van begin - KLIK HIER
MMO/PAM/FLO: Daily Reports - CLICK HERE/Daaglikse verslag KLIK HIER
Opt-Out - CLICK HERE/Onttrek - KLIK HIER
Superbowl 3D Marine Seismic Survey
Searcher is proposing to acquire the Superbowl multiclient 3D MSS located entirely in offshore Commonwealth waters within the North-west Marine Region incorporating WA-542-P, WA-547-P and surrounding Exploration Permits.
Possum 3D Marine Seismic Survey
Current Full Environment Plan CLICK HERE
Searcher is proposing to acquire the Possum 3D MSS located entirely in offshore Commonwealth waters within the North-west Marine Region incorporating Exploration Permits WA-436-P, WA-479-P, WA-487-P, WA-527-P and WA-540-P.
Interactive Consultation Hub CLICK HERE
Searcher is proposing to acquire the Possum three dimensional (3D) Marine Seismic Survey (MSS) located entirely in offshore Commonwealth waters within the North-west Marine Region incorporating Exploration Permits WA-436-P, WA-479-P, WA-487-P, WA-527-P and WA-540-P.
NOPSEMA Published Environment Plan CLICK HERE
Please complete this short form to provide your responses to our request for stakeholder engagement and consultation. Please note that your responses may be included in the survey Environment Plan and may be published on the NOPSEMA web site. Your personal contact details will be kept confidential and will not be included in any published documentation without your express written permission.
Click Here for a link to the Resources page on the IAGC web site, where more information regarding marine seismic surveys can be found.