IATA Data Protection and Privacy Notice
Sonia Jones Travel (an Associated Business of Frontier Travel), as your travel agent, acts on your behalf when making travel reservations and will at times be required to pass on your contact number and email address to the travel supplier, such as airlines, hotels, cruise lines, tour companies and car rental companies.
In accordance with IATA Resolution 830d, as our client we require your authorisation to provide your contact number and email address to airlines participating in your travel itinerary for the purposes of contact in the case of an operational disruption. These contact details will be used exclusively for the purpose of operational notifications, e.g. flight cancellation, schedule change etc. and shall not be used for sales and marketing purposes.
By checking the box below, you, the client, authorise your travel agent, Sonia Jones Travel, to provide your email address and phone number to airlines for the purposes as outlined above. This authority applies to all accompanying travellers in your booking where you are the lead traveller.