Hi {clientFirstName}
Your Waterside Assist Membership will start when you receive your Waterside Assist Welcome Letter and Membership Card.
NOTE: This Membership Card must be produced if you require assistance otherwise you may be charged for the assistance.
Your annual subscription of $88 includes the following benefits:
In breakdown or emergency situations, within our area of operation, enjoy up to 4 hours towing (2 occasions of up to 2 hours each; start of tow time taken from our Operations Base).
If you go boating between Bribie Island and Tweed Heads, you know you are in good hands and are covered by other VMR squadrons with your Waterside Assist membership.
Log On and Vessel Monitoring Services
When you venture out to sea during weekends and public holidays between the hours of 0600 and 1700 hrs, use our Log On and Log Off vessel monitoring service. If you have not returned by your advised time, we will try contacting you by radio or mobile phone and will advise the Water Police if you cannot be contacted.
Our standby crews can be contacted 24/7 on 0428 022 881 in case of an emergency.