Parental permission for publication of students work & photographs
Concordia Lutheran College or professional photographers engaged by the College may record sound and/or vision, including photographs of students and their work while participating in the Makerspace Day Camp taking place on Wednesday 11 September 2019.
The use of the sound, vision and/or photographs could be used to promote the Makerspace Day Camp, Concordia Lutheran College, Lutheran Education Queensland and/or Australia or promoting education.
The College may publish photographs, videos or any other media format depicting my child or samples of my child’s work. The College may publish photographs of my child and/or samples of work done by my child in a variety of ways. The publications could include, but are not limited to, College Newsletters (online and printed copy), Concordia Lutheran College website, Education Department websites, intranet websites, social media, College Annual magazines and local media. If published, third parties would be able to view the photographs and work.
Concordia Lutheran College understands that students own the intellectual property rights of their work, sound or vision, and that this permission form is not meant to transfer ownership - but simply to give Concordia Lutheran College permission to use its students work for the following purposes:
1. The College is able to publish in any media format images of your child and samples of my child’s work as many times as it requires in the ways mentioned above.
2. The College will not use my child’s image or samples of my child’s work for any purpose other than for the education of students, or for the general promotion of education and the College.
3. Any media taken by the College will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and will be stored and disposed of securely.