This year our Grandparents Day will be held on Friday 6 September 2019. The anticipated program for this event will be:
8.40 - 9.45am Grandparents to visit classrooms and viewing the Electives display
9.55am Student Concert in the Hall
10.45am Morning Tea under the trees
We would love your help on Grandparents Day to either provide a plate of food for Morning Tea and/or help serve and operate the coffee machine. Could you please indicate below if you are available to 'bake' and/or 'help' on the day.
If you are available to help with the catering please find below the list of food suggestions for each year level.
Prep - Fruit Platter
Year 1 - Hot Food (mini pies, sausage rolls, quiches etc)
Year 2 - Biscuits
Year 3/4H - Cakes or cupcakes, muffins
Year 3/4W - Slices
Year 5/6 - Sandwiches
If you could please follow the No Nut policy for food sent in it would be appreciated. Any non perishable food can be left at the tuckshop on Thursday 5 September and any fresh food can be left at the Tuckshop by 8.30am on Friday 6 September. To avoid huge wastage and in consideration of our earth’s sustainability, we are happy to wash up dishes to return to you, however, please ensure that your name in on them please
We will send out reminders closer to the date with more details.
Thank you in advance