Dear Parent / Guardian
Year 11 students who study Psychology will be attending a complusory excursion to the University of Southern Queensland Psychology Department. The aim of this field trip is to expose the students to current psychological research being conducted through the University. This visit will outline projects, detailing experimental design and the experimental method to consolidate students' knowledge from class experiments. Students will also learn what occupational avenues are undertaken by USQ psychology graduates. This excursion will take place during a double Psychology lesson and as such will not impact any other subjects.
Students will travel by the College bus to and from USQ and must wear their College dress uniform.
DATE: Tuesday 20 August
RETURN TIME: 10.30am
VENUE: University of Southern Queensland
UNIFORM: College Dress Uniform
Please complete and submit the form below to acknowledge your child's involvement in this event.
This online permission form needs to be submitted no later than close of business Friday 9 August. If you have any concerns, please contact Mr Gregory Bell,
Yours sincerely