Authorization / Acceptance
I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and is sufficient so as to not be misleading. I understand that to falsify information is grounds for refusing to hire our Company, or for discharge should we be contracted/subcontracted. Furthermore, completion of this application does not guarantee that our Company will be hired but is merely an offer of or request for consideration of the same.
I authorize any person, organization, business or company listed on this application to furnish Dick Construction, Inc. any and all information concerning any of the information contained, herein. Furthermore, I authorize Dick Construction, Inc. to request and receive such information.
I hereby authorize Dick Construction, Inc. and its designated agents and representatives to conduct a comprehensive review of our Company's background including an investigative consumer report to be generated for contracting/subcontracting purposes and understand that the scope of the consumer report/investigative consumer report may include, but is not limited to, the following areas: verification of entity status; licenses and certifications; current and previous addresses; experience and history including personnel files; outstanding litigation; character references; criminal history records from any criminal justice agency in any or all federal, state, county jurisdictions; birth records; motor vehicle records to include traffic citations and registration; and any other public records or to conduct interviews with third parties relative to moral character and/or general reputation.
In consideration for subcontracting, our Company agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Dick Construction, Inc., whose rules may be changed, withdrawn, added or interpreted at any time, at the discretion of Dick Construction, Inc.'s sole option and without prior notice to our Company.
I also acknowledge that Company may be terminated, of any offer or acceptance of contracting/subcontracting withdrawn, at any time, with or without cause, and with or without prior notice at the option of Dick Construction, Inc. Should our Company choose to terminate any awarded work with Dick Construction, Inc., we agree to give a courtesy two (2) week notice.
By submitting this application I, the undersigned, do agree that I have authorization to complete such a request and agree to the foregoing on behalf of the Company.