Good Afternoon
It is that special time of the year when we begin the process of selecting Campus Leaders as well as Leaders for other positions for the following year.
The students will soon begin to identify the positions that they are interested in and will begin to work on their speeches. The speeches will be entirely written in class and these will be carefully monitored by Mr Andrew Tennent. The week before our speech presentation, the students will take their speeches home to practice. You will then be able to assist them with elements such as flow, intonation and gaining confidence in their presentation.
Our Campus Captain candidates will present their speeches on Monday 4 November at 11.30am to the students, staff and parents of Hume Street Campus. The staff and students from Year 3 to Year 6 will then be invited to vote. The voting sheet asks for students and staff to rank candidates on a 1-5 scale according to our five You Can Do It Traits; Confidence, Persistence, Resilience, Organisation and Getting Along. We encourage the students to base their vote on their everyday knowledge of the candidates. We believe great Campus Captains need to display a high level of competency in these five areas on a daily basis.
Parents are invited to join us in the Resource Centre for the speeches and we will announce the successful Campus Leaders later that afternoon.
Speeches for other positions will be given on Tuesday 5 November, 8.45am in the hall.
The 2020 positions that will be available for the students to fill will be Campus Captain, House Captain, Sport Captain, IT Captain, Cultural Captain, Library Captain and Environmental Captain. Please feel free to have a conversation with your child regarding their thoughts and intentions. Some students will have a clear picture of what they would like to run for, while other students will need to have further conversations with their teachers.
Being a Campus Leader comes with some out of school hour commitments such as the IPSHA Leaders Dinner, Open Day events and full participation in events such and sport or music. We understand that for these events, this requires a commitment on the parent’s part too. As such, we require your permission for the students to nominate for the Leadership positions. We ask that these nominations be filled in by Friday 11 October.
Kind Regards
Juanetta Priest