Trust tax return
We will prepare your tax returns together with any supplementary pages required from the information that you provide to us. After obtaining your approval and signature, we will submit your returns to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
We will calculate the income tax and tell you how much tax you should pay and when. We will advise on the interest, penalty and surcharge implications if tax is paid late. We will also check ATO’s calculation of your tax and initiate refund claims if tax has been overpaid.
We will advise you possible tax return related claims and elections arising from information supplied by you. Where instructed by you, we will make such claims and elections in the form and manner required by ATO.
Before we lodge any returns on your behalf, we will forward the documents to you for approval. We will endeavour to ensure that the returns are lodged by the due dates subject to your provision of all information and supporting documents in a timely manner.