ArTELIER is an initiative that invests in Tasmanian young people by empowering the artists who work with them.
ArTELIER addresses a proven demand to strengthen professional support structures for artists committed to creating work with, by and for the most vulnerable communities in Tasmania, primarily children, young people and their families. The trial model was co-designed with 28 cross-disciplinary Tasmanian artists in 2018 to build a network of professional inquiry across the State.
We are now seeking Expressions of Interest for Artists to join the program for 2019.
EOI's close 5pm on Wednesday 1 May
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their EOI by Wednesday 8 May
Successful applicants will be invited to the program launch on Wednesday 15 May.
In 2019 ArTELIER has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and through Arts Tasmania by the Minister for the Arts.