I understand that this is a volunteer position at Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp (KVCC). I understand that KVCC is a Christian camp and will adhere to the rules, values and standards of KVCC. I will not hold KVCC responsible for any theft, damage or injury/loss caused while serving at camp. I allow pictures and videos to be used of myself for promotional usage. I allow KVCC staff to drive me from camp to off site activity if needed. I allow KVCC to contact me before, during and after my time serving at KVCC. I give consent to KVCC, in case of an emergency, to do the proper procedures for injuries that would result in Emergency services or Hospital visits and agree to pay for the costs associated.
I understand that its my responsibility to the costs associated with transport to Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp, Thames. I have suffient funds to get myself home.
I understand that the Kauaeranga Valley Internship twelve (12) months.