Information about this Feedback
Completing this feedback is one way people can tell us how the sessions are going and what to focus on to make the sessions better.
The information provided in this form is private and confidential and will not be shared with anyone without concent, the information is collected and used to record and measure progress in a subjective way. You will receive a copy of this feedback once submitted; you may want to keep it for your records.
This form should only be completed by participants of Immersion Therapy and people who support them.
If you have a complement or complaint about Determined2 please click here
You can also give feedback to the NDIS Commission:
They take feedback or complaints about services that you are not happy with. You can call them on: 1800 035 544
Or you can call the National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544. You can also do this online here: You can also call the NDIA on 1800 800 110.