Appendix A: Written notice timeframes and information requirements
Regulation and activity |
Written notice of: |
Timeframes |
Regulation 10 – Afforestation |
• The location where the afforestation will occur and the proposed setbacks (including a description of how these were calculated); and • The dates on which the afforestation is planned to begin and end. |
Notice must be given at least 20 and no more than 60 working days before the date on which the afforestation is planned to begin. |
Regulation 25 – Earthworks |
• The place where earthworks are to be carried out; • The dates on which the earthworks or road widening and realignment are planned to begin and end. |
Notice must be given:
(a) at least 20 and no more than 60 working days before the date on which the earthworks or road widening and realignment are planned to begin; or
(b) a minimum of 2 days before the date on which any earthworks that are required for salvage operations are planned to begin; or
(c) annually, in the case of ongoing earthworks.
Regulation 38 – River crossings |
• The date on which the construction or removal of a river crossing, other than a temporary river crossing, is planned to begin; and • The location of the river crossing. |
Notice must occur at least 20 and no more than 60 working days before the date on which the river crossing activity is planned to begin. |
Regulation 52 – Forestry quarrying |
• The place where the forestry quarrying is to be carried out and the proposed setbacks (including a description of how they were calculated); • The dates on which the forestry quarrying is planned to begin and end. |
Notice must occur:
(a) at least 20 and no more than 60 working days before the date on which the forestry quarrying is planned to begin; or
(b) annually, in the case of ongoing forestry quarrying.
Regulation 64 – Harvesting |
• The place where harvesting will be carried out; and • The dates on which the harvesting is planned to begin and end. |
Notice must occur
(a) at least 20 and no more than 60 working days before the date on which the harvesting is planned to begin; or
(b) a minimum of 2 days before the date on which harvesting required for salvage operations is planned to begin; or
(c) annually, in the case of ongoing harvesting operations.
Appendix B: Definition of Plantation Forestry Activities in Regulation 3
Afforestation -
(a) means planting and growing plantation forestry trees on land where there is no plantation forestry and where plantation forestry harvesting has not occurred within the last 5 years; but
(b) does not include vegetation clearance from the land before planting
Earthworks –
(a) means disturbance of the surface of the land by the movement, deposition, or removal of earth (or any other matter constituting the land, such as soil, clay, sand, or rock) in relation to plantation forestry; and
(b) includes the construction of forestry roads, forestry tracks, landings and river crossing approaches, cut and fill operations, maintenance and upgrade of existing earthworks, and forestry road widening and realignment; but
(c) does not include soil disturbance by machinery passes, forestry quarrying, or mechanical land preparation
Maintenance and upgrade of existing earthworks –
(a) includes—
(i) activities to upgrade existing forestry infrastructure or minor reshaping of existing forestry infrastructure; and
(ii) the installation and maintenance of water run-off control measures; and
(iii) road metalling; but
(b) does not include forestry road widening or realignment
River crossings -
(a) means a structure that is required for the operation of a plantation forest and provides for vehicles or machinery to cross over a water body; and
(b) includes an apron and other structures and materials necessary to complete a river crossing; but
(c) does not include a stormwater culvert or a culvert under a forestry road or forestry track
Forestry quarrying -
(a) means the extraction of rock, sand, or gravel for the formation of forestry roads and construction of other plantation forestry infrastructure, including landings, river crossing approaches, abutments, and forestry tracks, -
i. within a plantation forest;
ii. required for the operation of a plantation forest on adjacent land owned or managed by the owner of the plantation forest; and
(b) includes the extraction of alluvial gravels outside the bed of a river, extraction of minerals from borrow pits, and the processing and stockpiling of material at the forest quarry site; but
(c) does not include earthworks, mechanical land preparation, or gravel extraction from the bed of a river, lake, or other water body
Harvesting -
(a) means felling trees, extracting trees, thinning tree stems and extraction for sale or use (production thinning), process trees into logs, or loading logs onto trucks for delivery to processing plants; but
(b) does not include -
i. milling activities or processing of timber; or
ii. clearance of vegetation that is not plantation forest trees