Running Background
Use the VDOT calculator here, or the !vdot command in /r/ARTC to calculate VDOT values for races.
This section asks you about your training history. There are a few data points we're collecting, including ELAPSED, TOTAL, and SERIOUS years.
ELAPSED: This is the number of years that have gone by since you first started running. This number is independent of whether you've trained each and every year.
TOTAL: This is the number of years that you've done any appreciable amount of running.
SERIOUS: This is the number of years that you've been seriously training for races since you first started running. You can define what "serious" means for you, but think training to improve race performance. Typically this would imply that you're following specific training plans, training at specific paces, etc.
Example: Andy is a 35 year old male who first started running at age 14, for high school cross country. Andy competed for 4 years in high school, before taking a break from running when he started college. After a long night of drinking at age 23, Andy took a look at his life and realized he needed to make some changes. He started running again, and would run 2-3 times a week to get back into shape. At age 26, after 3 years of hobbyjogging, Andy signed up for a half marathon and followed a training plan for the race, and has been training more seriously ever since.
Andy's training history would look like this:
Elapsed: 21 years (age 14 -> age 35)
Total: 16 years (age 14-18 [4 years], then age 23-35 [12 years)
Serious: 9 years (age 26-35)
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