Rules of Engagement
To carry out successful facilitation of workshops, presentations and engagement activities headspace Armadale require the following protocols to be agreed upon and enacted prior to engagement.
1. Clinical and OSH risk lies with the hosted organisation. Any matters relating to risk are referred to the onsite teacher/psychologist for follow up with the young person and their organisational protocols.
2. Behaviour management is the sole responsibility of the onsite teachers or staff member within the class, while the presentation/workshop/program is being delivered.
3. At least one organisation staff member must be present at all times. The staff member is to be visible at all times and be available for the entire facilitation process and proactive in addressing behaviour management concerns.
4. If this event is occuring at a school, a staff member will be required to walk the headspace staff to and from the appropriate building
5. All participants must have consented to photos/videos being posted on social media. If this is not the case please inform us PRIOR to the event.
If you have any questions about the Rules of Engagement, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or giving us a call on 9393 0300.