This form is for event organisers, whose events have been conditionally approved for sancitioning by QA, to submit additional documents to confirm PA&I coverage.
All QA sanctioned events which wish to be covered by our Personal Accident & Injury Policy must:
a) only be attended by registered QA members, and
b) provide first aid
QA Members may be playing, non-playing, or trial members (subject to the conditions of their membership) to be eligible to participate.
A full list of participants must be provided in order to verify attendance.
First Aid can be provided by a third party organisation such as Sports Medicine Australia or a dedicated non-playing volunteer.
The following are the minimum recommended qualifications for event first aid:
- Level 1 Sports Trainer, with membership to a sports medicine organisation
- Registered Health Practioner
The level of first aid provided for the event must be appropriate for the size, scale, and purpose of that event. QA reserves the right to revoke sanctioing approval if insufficient first aid has been provided. Please contact QA directly if you have questions or concerns over what first aid is necessary or appropriate for your event.
Proof of first aid attendance must be provided in the form of:
- an invoice from the first aid provider
- a confirmation email from the first aid provider
- a letter of guarantee from a third party responsible for organising first aid, or
- certification details for an individual volunteer