1. Please submit this form within 7 working days of the issuance of the decision of the GPT.
2. Please lodge a fee of $750 together with this Form. Payment can be made by direct debit into Football NSW’s bank account. Bank: National Aust Bank Ltd, Account Name: Football NSW Limited, BSB: 082-356, Account Number: 14-055-1058. Please include the GPT reference number when making payment and provide proof of payment to
3. Participants should read and consider sections 9, 10 and 13 of the Regulations prior to submitting this Notice to Football NSW.
4. If Football NSW does not receive a properly completed Notice by the time specified in paragraph 1 together with proof of payment of the $750 fee, you are deemed to have waived your right to appeal the decision of the GPT.
5. Capitalised words used in this document are defined in the Regulations.
6. Where the documents to be provided under section exceed fifty (50) pages in total, the Member must deliver to the offices of Football NSW four (4) hard copies of those documents by the date prescribed therein.