WSTIP Risk Management Grant
2025 Grant Application
I understand these funds may not be used to offset staff salary or overtime.
I understand I must seek prior approval to use the grant funds over more than one year.
I understand I am responsible for evaluating our results and future awards may depend on this evaluation.
I understand my agency must fund the difference between the $5,000 and the total expenditures if my expenditures exceed $5,000.
I have my department head's approval for this grant submittal.
For questions contact Joanne Kerrigan @ 360-786-1647 or
Agency Name
Please Select
Asotin County PTBA
Ben Franklin Transit
Central Transit
Clallam Transit
Columbia County Public Transportation
Community Transit
Everett Transit
Grant Transit
Grays Harbor Transit
Intercity Transit
Island Transit
Jefferson Transit
Kitsap Transit
Link Transit
Mason Transit
Pacific Transit
Pierce Transit
Pullman Transit
RiverCities Transit
Skagit Transit
Spokane Transit
Valley Transit
Whatcom Transportation Authority
Yakima Transit
Contact Name
Contact E-mail Address
Business Phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Problem Statement
What is your problem or need?
How did you determine this was a problem or need?
What is your solution?
How do you plan to evaluate your program or project's success?
Expenditures and timeframe.
Last year's results OR additional information.
Supplemental Information
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