1. I consent to becoming a member of the Brisbane Girls Debating Association Inc. (ABN: 35 219 677 490) (hereafter "BGDA") upon the Executive's acceptance of my application;
2. I consent to the terms of the BGDA's Constitution;
3. I have read and understood the Adjudicators' Code of Conduct and Youth Management Policy;
4. I have read and understood the Competition Rules;
5. I agree to support the objects and purposes of the BGDA, as follows:
A. To encourage the practice and pursuit of debating amongst girls’ schools,
B. To provide extra support for girls’ debating complementary to the existing work for all genders of the Queensland Debating Union Inc.,
C. To empower girls to engage in debates about culture, domestic and foreign policy and other important issues,
D. To help bridge the gender gap that currently exists in debating in the state of Queensland,
E. To at all times not contribute to the erecting of further barriers in education or the perpetuation of privilege, but rather to break down barriers and decrease discrimination;
6. I understand and agree that my participation in the BGDA may be conditional upon my agreement to other policies set by the Executive of the BGDA;
7. I hereby grant to the BGDA and all of its constituent Members a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully paid-up, royalty-free worldwide license to use any work I generate in my capacity as a member of the BGDA to make, have made, import, use, offer for sale, promote, distribute, sell products and processes, and otherwise commercially exploit the that work in all fields within the BGDA's objects and purposes provided that doing so supports the non-profit, charitable Purposes of the BGDA or its Members. Such license includes, without limitation, the right to distribute, and create derivative works from any copyrighted materials, to which I own the copyright, included in my work.