Contact Us:
Please send us your inquiry & we'll get back to you soon!
Your Name:
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Post Code
What is your inquiry regarding?
Piano Lessons
Singing Lessons
Violin Lessons
Music Theory Lessons
What area do you prefer?
Cooranbong Studio
Wallsend Studio
Charlestown Studio
Online Lessons
In-Home lessons with Matthew -Available for families with 1 hour or more of lesson time - In Cooranbong, Morisset, Martinsville, Dora Creek, Wallsend, Fletcher, Maryland, Cameron Park.
Preferred teacher?
No preference
Anne Hilberts - Piano & Music Theory
Matthew Hilberts - Piano & Singing
Kathrine Hilberts - Piano & Violin
Mobile Phone:
Phone Number
What would you like to know?
COMMENTS: Please add any other details you feel we may need.
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